Manually Enable Save Password Prompt in Chrome for Any Site

There are two cases when Chrome does not show the option to save passwords: Case 1: When you had previously declined to save password on the site When you log into a website for the first time, Chrome will show a notification asking “Do you want Google Chrome to” followed by two choices – “Save Password” or “Never for this site”. If you select the second option, then Chrome will never again ask you this choice for this specific site. In this case, you can make Chrome save password again for the specific site by deleting its entry from Settings > Advance Settings > Manage Passwords > Never Save section.

After you delete the site from Never Save section, the next time you log in to the site, it will offer you same options to either save the password or never for the site.

Case 2: When the site has disabled saving password This mostly happens with banking sites, where they disable the autofill feature from the code. This prevents the browser from asking you to save text field details or from automatically completing the form. Though the site’s intent is to safeguard your password, the purpose is defeated if you write it down somewhere else. At least, Chrome will keep it safe with Windows password/Catchphrase and they will be synced across devices. To force such sites to offer you save password dialog, you can either use the Auto-fill extension or a custom javascript bookmarklet. The Auto-fill extension is easy to use and even offers options to save text fields for any form on any site. However, being a third party tool, it becomes difficult to trust the extension. This custom javascript bookmarklet will perform the same function, only when we invoke it on sites of our choice. The bookmarklet simply replaces auto-complete=”off” to auto-complete=”on” on the page code, making Chrome believe that the details can be saved. To add this bookmarklet, follow these steps: Step 1: Add a new bookmark in the bookmarks bar of Chrome by dragging the site icon in address bar to bookmark bar. Step 2: Right click on the bookmark, select edit and name it anything you want. Step 3: Change the URL for following code: That’s all! Open the site that for which you want Chrome to remember password, manually click on the bookmarklet and now Chrome will ask you whether to save it or not after you submit the login form.

How to Make Chrome Remember Passwords - 17How to Make Chrome Remember Passwords - 13