It is also the second largest search engine right next to Google, which apparently owns it. While Youtube is available for all kinds of Platforms like Android, iOS, Web, and TV, some interfaces are better than the others. For example in the Youtube mobile app, you can quickly switch between your subscribed channels, trending videos and recommended videos. This is slightly complicated when it comes to the web version of Youtube as you have to go back and forth to these pages consistently. So, Google has added a simple but handy option to YouTube which makes it as straightforward and easy to use YouTube on your PC just like your smartphone or tablet. This feature is the smart TV version of YouTube which has an interface closely resembling Netflix.

How To Access It

You can access it by entering a version of YouTube known as YouTube Lean Back, and you can do that by typing the following URL in the address bar of your browser While this version of YouTube works fine on all kinds of browsers, it is recommended that you use the Google Chrome browser to have a stutter free experience. YouTube Leanback could be completely accessed by only using your keyboard. All functionalities like controlling the volume, entering the fullscreen or even changing the video quality can be done using only your keyboard. You can even like or unlike videos, subscribe to a channel and turn on closed captions, all using your keyboard.

Just use your arrow keys for navigating through the interface, the escape key for going back from a video or a menu and the S key for searching. Videos could also be skipped, and you can jump through the suggested videos or skip through videos in a playlist by using the down arrow key. Overall, YouTube Leanback is a simple version of the classic YouTube, and if you love quick access and want a change, you can try using it. Let us know your thoughts about YouTube Leanback in the comments below!