At the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi’s Annual Festival, Rendezvous and around 816 students went on a rally of clicking selfies using the device. At the IIT Delhi campus, over 800 selfies were captured. Lava had worked closely with IIT Delhi event team to make sure that it adheres to all the guidelines that are specified by the Guinness World Records. The participants were invited after appropriate pre-registration and each selfie included two adjacent people in the line. In addition, Lava also brought in external agencies by to ensure that the entire activity is streamlined. The video footage and other materials will be shared with Guinness World Records. Commenting on the attempt to create the world record, Mr. Tarun Verma, DGM, Marketing, LAVA International expressed “We would like to thank each student, participant and volunteer for their boundless support to make this happen. This is a proud moment for each one of us, as together we have made this the first attempt by any Indian brand to achieve something as unique as this. We are confident that our efforts will result in success.”

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