Related | 7 Things to Know About Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2 Smartphone companies are trying their best to experiment with the material used to craft the body, but the problem was always more with the display glass. The companies realized this fact and tried hard to fix this issue, and then came up the well know glass makers that has been very consistent in the market for their protective glasses. It’s an easy guess; Corning was the first company to make display glasses for smartphones and they call it the ‘Gorilla Glass’. Corning’s Gorilla Glass has conquered most of the smartphone market with its scratch resistant solutions. Ever wondered why is the Gorilla Glass so resistant and tough? How is it the best? Or how is it made? Let us find out more to know what’s so special about Gorilla Glass that sets it apart from other kinds of glass.

What is Gorilla Glass?

Gorilla Glass is a special type of glass that is thin, damage resistant and tough in nature. It helps protect mobile phones, laptops, computers and millions of other portable electronic devices.

Gorilla Glass is as hard as sapphire, which is falls around 9 on Mohs hardness scale. A normal glass is much softer, and falls closer to 7 on the Mohs scale. Diamond is the hardest mineral on the Mohs scale and it is kept at 10 on the scale.

Why is Gorilla Glass best for your smartphone?

Gorilla Glass is surely better than the ordinary glass in many ways, and the main factors are:

Scratch resistance

Gorilla Glass is resistant to scratches from keys, coins or other items that you may carry in your pocket or bag.


Corning® Gorilla® Glass 4 was developed to specifically address one of consumers’ toughest complaints – screens breaking from drops. Gorilla Glass 4 survives drops from 1 meter onto rough surfaces 80% of the time.


Gorilla Glass delivers superior damage resistance and scratch resistance at formats as thin a 0.4mm. This helps device manufacturers design smartphones that are thinner and lighter.

How is Gorilla® Glass made?

Gorilla Glass is strengthened using an ion-exchange method which pushes large ions into the gaps between molecules in the glass surface. Then the glass is placed in a 400°C molten potassium salt bath, which replaces sodium ions in the glass with potassium ions present in the bath. Sheets of Gorilla Glass are manufactured through Corning’s proprietary fusion draw process. The molten glass is fed into a trough, which is filled until it overflows with the glass flowing evenly over both sides to fuse at the bottom. This process creates an amazingly thin sheet of flat glass. The glass is untouched by human hands or anything else that will introduce flaws into the surface.